F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Wish List
12 Foot Galvanized Corral Panels 12 X 12 (100)
12 Foot Front Gate Panels with a 6 Foot Gate (60)
Large Round Fans (that can be mounted overhead)
Used Asphalt to Repair our Road
Weed Wacker
20 - Dump trucks of clean white sand (call for vendor info)
Shovels (flat and pointed)
Wire Cutters
Rakes (hard metal no plastic)
Hard Bristle Push Brooms (Bruske)
12 - Scrub Brushes for Water Troughs
Husky Contractor Clean-Up Bags
Clorox Bleach Gallons (unscented only)
Gift Cards for Home Depot or Lowe's or Tractor Supply
Use of a Bobcat
8- Large Blue Plastic Tarps
8 - Large Canvas Paint Tarps (white cotton)
10- Large Metal Trash Cans
Box of Rags
Cases of 16 oz bottles of Water (20 cases/week)
Cases of Gatorade (5 cases/week)
Postage Stamps
Copy Paper
# 10 White Envelopes (peel and seal)
Free or low cost printing services and advertising
Horse Supplies
Cases of Fly Spray - Horse & Pony Oil Based ONLY Quart and Gallon
(52) Farnam Ivercare Wormers (every 7 weeks)
Brushes - various Face, Body (hard & Soft), Mane, Curry, Hoof Picks
Large Buckets of Electrolytes - Apple A Day
Bags of Triple Crown Senior
Bags of Triple Crown Gold
15 - Large Flat Back Black 20 qts. Fortiflex Buckets
20 - Large Black Fortiflex 70 qts. Muck Buckets
Fly Masks All Sizes
Nylon Halters All Sizes (No Rope or Breakaway Please)
6 - Aluspray
65 - Himalayan Salt Licks
2 - Large Body Clippers
12 - Gallons Fungal Shampoo
12 - Gallons Vetrolin Detangler
2 - Pasture Rubbermaid 300 Gallon Stock Troughs
60 - Rubbermaid Containers w/ Lids 3.2 Gallon
2 - Cases 4' Vet Wrap
24 - Rolls of Brown 4" Gauze Wrap
10 - Rolls of Wide Duct Tape
Medical Supplies
Band Aids
Gauze Bandages
Ace Wraps
Non Stick Pads
Ice Pack/Break
Gift Cards:
Gas - for Kabota, Generator, Water Pump
Publix - for Volunteer Water and Gatorade
Lowe's - for Maintenance Supplies
Home Depot - for Maintenance Supplies
Tractor Supply - for Maintenance Supplies
Office Depot - Copy Paper, Copier Ink, Office Supplies
Payment on Accounts
Vet Bill - Dr. Natalie Carrillo (954) 224-5543
Finish Line Feed Store (954) 920-1414

To see some of the additional add-on items needed at F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Click here