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Community Service Hours Verification

for F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Horse Rescue & Sanctuary



Please fill out the form below requesting verification.


For Volunteers: Please keep your hour's sheet in a safe place and make sure your document has all hours signed as you serve them.  We will not backlog any sheets. Your hour's sheet IS your responsibility and the ONLY verification of hours served and completed.

This page was created for supervisors and agencies to verify that the signed paperwork you have submitted is accurate & legitimate. Because we have thousands of volunteers each year, we no longer send out letters on letterhead confirming volunteer hours. However, we will gladly respond via email to all community service agencies after they fill out the request below.

Attention Volunteers:  Do not fill out the form below. There is no need for us to verify your hours because you have the original paperwork that was signed for you on each visit.

F.R.I.E.N.D.S. welcomes everyone to participate but there are a few things volunteers are told the first time they visit at the Orientation & Safety Class.

1. We are not responsible for volunteers signing in, out, or bringing their paperwork on every visit.

2. If a volunteer forgets their paperwork, we will not fill it out the following week for this week. Instead, we will issue one of our forms for this week you forgot your form and you can submit that to your Community Service Agency with your other paperwork.

3. If a volunteer does not sign in or out, they will receive no hours for that day. Your name and hours must be legible! Please write neatly!

We hope this process will help everyone get their hours credited faster.

Thanks so much for your cooperation,

Volunteer Services

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F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Horse Rescue & Sanctuary
Florida research Institute for equine nurturing, development & Safety, Inc.

In accordance with Chapter 496.411, Florida Statutes, the Solicitations of Contributions Act, the following information is provided: Charity Name/Location: Florida Research Institute for Equine Nurturing, Development & Safety, Inc./ 1840 NE 65 Court, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 33308; Charity Registration #: CH14915. EIN: 59-2825751. “A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the Division of Consumer Services by calling Toll-Free 1-800-435-7352 within the state or outside Florida at 850-410-3800. Registration does not imply endorsement, approval or recommendation by the state.” Also see:

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     All Rights Reserved

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